
2023-10-18 18:21:08

NamSIFL signed a memorandum with the prestigious university of Algeria

The "Autumn commercialization" forum was held as part of the international innovative ideas week "InnoWeek.Uz-2023", in which the rector and vice-rector of the Namangan State Institute of Foreign Languages   named after Ishaqkhan Ibrat took part.During the event, Namangan State Institute of Foreign Languages   signed a memorandum with the prestigious "University of El Oued" of Algeria. According to the agreement reached, mutual exchange of students and teachers will be

2023-10-18 18:13:35

Organized a workshop with the accelerator center "Startup Campus" of Hungary

Today, on the Startup Day of the week of innovative ideas, the events “Startup Pitch”, “Day of Uzbek-Korean Startups”, “Demo Day among the most successful startups” were organized with the participation of experts from Germany, South Korea, Italy and the UAE.As part of the events, a seminar was organized for young scientists and industry experts on the topic “Best practices for business development with the introduction of technological innovations” wi

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