
2023-10-17 12:03:03

The International Congress of Science and Innovation of Youth of the Turkic World will begin soon

The International Congress of Science and Innovation of Youth of the Turkic World, which is held as part of the international week of innovative ideas “InnoWeek.Uz-2023”, will begin soon.At this prestigious international congress, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Uzbekistan as members of the organization, as well as representatives of the ministries of innovation and education of Turkmenistan, Hungary, talented youth, young entrepreneurs and youth innovation as observer coun

2023-10-17 12:02:48

The week of innovative ideas “Innoweek-2023” has officially started!

Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Ibrahim Abdurakhmanov opened the week of innovative ideas “InnoWeek-2023”, held by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation under the slogan “Creative education and innovation - the basis for the development of New Uzbekistan.”  "October 16-20 this year gave“. Unlike last year, this year the weekly covered not only our capital, but the entire republic,” said I. Abdurakhmanov.  - Uzbekistan has risen to 84th place in the glob

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