
2022-10-21 17:40:07

Organized networking "Startup Review" with the participation of owners of the local startup companies.

On October 19, as part of the, a networking meeting was organized with Zoltan Galla and Attila Khader, representatives of the acceleration center "Startup Campus" in Hungary, with successful start-up projects funded by the ministry, young scientists and specialists in this field. The meeting provided information about the Hungarian startup ecosystem and the European way to support startups. In addition, representatives of local start-up enterprises presented their projects a

2022-10-21 17:38:40

«Innoweek-2022» haftaligida Еron kompaniyalari faol ishtirok etdi

2022-yilning 17-21-oktabr kunlari bo'lib o'tayotgan «Innoweek-2022» xalqaro innovatsion ko'rgazmalar haftaligi doirasida eron Islom Respublikasining qishloq xo'jaligi, transport, logistika, sanoat uchun asbob uskunalar, nanoo'g'itlar ishlab chiqarish, energetika, iqtisodiy-moliyaviy konsalting, kimyo sanoati va informatsion texnologiyalar yo'nalishlarida faoliyat olib boruvchi “Khazra”, “Bonza” “Padvish” “Arya Shimi Rasa Co”, “Farafan Kasra”, “Deznovin”, “Aka Control”, “Raja Information Techn

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