
2022-10-19 15:10:34

«Robotics challange-2022» tadbiri rasman start oldi

Innovatsion rivojlanish vazirligi huzuridagi INNO texnoparkda “InnoWeek.Uz-2022” xalqaro innovatsion g‘oyalar haftaligi doirasida «Robotics challange-2022» tadbiri rasman start oldi.Tadbirning ochilish marosimida Saudiya Arabistonining KAUST universiteti Prezidenti Tonni Chan ishtirok etdi.“InnoWeek” doirasida har yili anʼanaviy tarzda o‘tkaziladigan «Robotics challange» tanlovida bu yil 150 nafarga yaqin yoshlar — 2 xil yosh toifasida, 3 xil yo‘nalish bo‘yicha bellashadilar.

2022-10-18 19:26:06

Seminars and trainings are held as part of the joint project "Modern Innovation Centers-2022"

On October 18, this year, a training seminar was launched within the framework of the joint project of Uzbekistan and Germany "Modern innovation centers-2022" on the topic "Further development of individual concepts for the functioning and management of innovation centers in the regions of Uzbekistan". The German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) has 60 years of experience in international cooperation, its major activity is the creation of technical services and services for the dev

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