
2023-10-19 17:43:39

A memorandum was signed between foreign partners and the Department of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Fergana Region

As part of the Innoweek-2023 week, a memorandum was signed between the Fergana Regional Department of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, the khokimiyat of the Fergana region and the Winitech company of the Republic of Korea in collaboration with ODA (Official Development Cooperation Organization) for the use of Smart City systems about development of projects “Smart Public Safety”, “Smart Transport”, “Smart Water” and “Smart Health”.This document provides for cooperation in the

2023-10-19 17:26:38

An international conference on "Tendencies of change and development of the chemical and gas-chemical industry based on a scientific approach" is currently taking place

About 50 participants took part in the international conference with presentations of their projects, including leading scientists from the UK, Italy, India, South Korea, the Czech Republic, the Russian Federation and our country.The main goal of the international conference is the creation and implementation of new technologies through a scientific and innovative approach to existing problems in the chemical and gas chemical industries, as well as discussion of scient

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