

The national ranking of awards for scientific organizations based on the results of research activities for 2022 has been announced

On October 19, 2023, as part of the innovation week "InnoWeek-2023", the Agency for Innovative Development held an award ceremony for scientific organizations that took a place in the top 10 based on the results of scientific and innovative work for the year 2022.The main purpose of the event is based on decree № 274 from May 11, 2020, by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to implement the rating system of scientific organizations" and in accordance with the regulations on the rating system for scientific organizations to recognize the top 10 scientific organizations that have shown the best results in the national ranking based on research and innovation performance for 2022.This year, following the tradition, official data on the research and innovation activities of 118 scientific organizations were analyzed and provided upon request. Based on this analysis, the scientific organizations were evaluated based on 75 indicators in 27 categories, and a national ranking was compiled based on research and innovation performance for 2022.The event was attended by over 100 leaders and participants of scientific projects, researchers, professors, and experts from scientific organizations, including higher educational institutions and research institutes.At the ceremony, the minister of Higher Education, Science, and In

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