

A round table was held on the topic of commercialization of the results of scientific and social research

Today, as part of “InnoWeek.UZ-2023”, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation held another round table on the topic “Scientific and social research of technical universities” with the participation of the executive director of the Office of Innovation and Industrial Relations of Hamad bin Khalifa University Nodir Yildirim.It was attended by vice-rectors and heads of departments for commercialization of scientific and innovative developments of universities.During the round table, issues of commercialization of scientific and innovative developments and the results of research activities in higher educational institutions, assessment of profitability associated with the commercialization of innovative products, selection of projects ready for commercialization and implementation, as well as problematic situations and legal obstacles in areas of cooperation were discussed with industrial enterprises in order to attract and introduce new technologies and produce innovative products and appropriate ways to solve them.

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