

Representatives of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) held a dialogue with the participants of the TechnoWays marathon.

This year, on October 17, a presentation of GIZ initiatives in Uzbekistan was presented as part of the week of creative ideas, "InnoWeek.Uz-2022", and the marathon of technical development, "TechnoWays."One of the Ministry's main activities is to establish relationships with international and foreign organizations, research funds and innovation centers, technology parks, as well as representatives of organizations operating in the field of innovation, in order to study and implement the international experience in the field of innovation.It should be highlighted that the German Society for International Cooperation is one of the ministry's reliable long-term partners (GIZ). The young people learned about the organizational framework of the innovation ecosystem, funding for start-ups and innovation initiatives, and Germany's experience in promoting collaboration in science-industry. Intermediate results of GIZ activities in Uzbekistan and bilateral cooperation with the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan were presented.During the meeting, young people got acquainted with the innovation policy of Germany and opportunities created to promote innovation. In particular, the main emphasis in promoting innovation in Germany is given to research and development, as well as financial support for creating innovative products on the market for their enterprises.

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