

A meeting was held with company representatives in Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.

On the first day of "InnoWeek-uz-2022," the international week of creative ideas, the Minister of Innovative Development met with Kentaro Hosomi, executive vice president and general director for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. The meeting was attended by the First Deputy Minister of Energy, relevant specialists from both ministries and MHI Russia LLC.It should be noted that in order to create environmentally friendly energy sources, the Republic of Uzbekistan joined the Paris Agreement in 2018. As a national contribution to its implementation, it has committed to reducing relative greenhouse gas emissions by 10% by 2030 compared to 2010.At the meeting, the topic of planning research in low-carbon technologies—including hydrogen energy technologies—was covered. Additionally, there was a discussion on the establishment of scientific internships for young scientists as well as the exchange of specialists in the fields of hydrogen energy and low-carbon technologies. It was also mentioned that initiatives involving collaboration should include Uzbekistan's manufacturing industries and research institutes.

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