

The "First International Forum on Scientific and Innovative Activities of Universities"

The "First International Forum on Scientific and Innovative Activities of Universities" was held as part of the Week of innovative ideas "InnoWeek.Uz-2022" on October 18 this year.The Deputy Minister of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shahlo Turdikulova opened the event.– There is a positive trend in commercialization of achievements of education, science, innovation and scientific research; over the past three years, the volume of research has increased from 49.7 to 193.3 billion soums. At present, the funds received from research conducted on the basis of state grants of the teaching staff from 60 higher educational institutions make 295,949.6 million soums, noted Sh. Turdikulova.A welcoming speech was given to Khakimov Rakhimjon Rasuljonovich, the Deputy Minister of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Science and Innovation.Rectors of all higher education institutions of the republic and vice-rectors for scientific work and innovations will participate in the forum. The event hosted 10 overseas guests, including Yucel Ogurlu, rector of the Istanbul Commerce University (Turkey), Tony Liddicoat, professor at the University of Warwick (Great Britain), Riccardo Vesipa, professor at the Turin Polytechnic University (Italy), Gafurov Abror Asrorjonovich, professor at Humboldt University (Germany).The main goal of the "First International Forum on Scientific and Innovative Activities of Universities" is to get acquainted with the latest achieveme

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