

International Forum "Global Innovation Index - 2022: experience of Uzbekistan"

October 19,  this year, the international forum on "Global Innovation Index - 2022: the experience of Uzbekistan" took place under the International Week of Innovative Ideas "InnoWeek.Uz-2022",The event was opened by the Minister of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov.– According to the Minister of Innovative Development Uzbekistan ranked 122nd out of 141 countries in the Global Innovation Index in 2015 and it rose by 40 positions - out of 131 countries in 2022, it took 82nd place, and became the leader of Central Asia, taking 3rd place among the countries of Central and South Asia, after India and Iran.Honored guests among representatives of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) also took part in the event in the on- and offline modes. The forum participants attended a report on the achievements of Uzbekistan in the GII 2022, made by the Head of the Section of Economics and Statistics Division, and co-editor of The Global Innovation Index (GII), Dr. Sacha Wunsch-Vincent. He noted that the improvement of Uzbekistan by 4 positions in the Global Innovation Index is the result achieved owing to the policy of openness, attention to science, and work aimed at increasing of innovative potential.Moreover, a video message on "Cooperation in the field of innovative development" sent by the Director of the Economic Cooperation and Trade Division (ECTD) at UNECE Elisabeth Türk, as well as the Director of Division for Transition and Developed Countries (WIPO) with

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