

Regional Seminar of Technical Cooperation Mechanisms for “Green” innovation

On October 19 of the current year, the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in cooperation with the Asia-Pacific Center for Technology Transfer (ATCTT), hosted a regional seminar on the topic “Mechanisms for technical cooperation in the field of green innovations”. The seminar was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Innovative Development, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP/UN ESCAP), scientists and members of the public. The event was opened by the Director General of the National Innovation Office under the Ministry of Innovative Development Olimjon Tuychiev, Director of the UNESCAP Asia-Pacific Center for Technology Transfer, prof. Preeti Soni, Head of the UNESCAP Regional Office for North and Central Asia Nikolai Pomoshnikov.The growing threats and challenges associated with climate change and environmental issues require the exploration and implementation of new ways of producing, consuming and livelihoods.Joint research programs, exchange of knowledge and experience, policy promotion and technical assistance from specialized technology and innovation networks/centres in collaboration with leading organizations, as

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