

Issues of ecology and innovation were discussed at the InnoWeek - 2022

How to connect students with business ideas and proposals?  What needs to be done to develop a startup culture in the country?  These and other issues were discussed at the panel discussion on "Solving environmental problems through the implementation of startup projects and the opportunities of attracting investments " as part of the international week InnoWeek - 2022. Senior Advisor of the National Venture Fund "UzVC" Alisher Shaikhov noted during the event that about 35 million people live in Uzbekistan, but only a few are involved in environmental issues.  While the problems of environmental protection, waste recycling must be addressed consistently. “We have been talking about the Aral for many years, and the water area is getting smaller.  We talk about trees, but they are cut down.  Among our audience, students are participating in this discussion, they can play a role in solving problems.  It is important for us to expand the community of like-minded people, to jointly solve global and regional problems,” said Alisher Shaikhov. Svetlana Bokacheva-Urnysheva, Project Manager of the "Programme for Pilot Testing of Innovative Solutions in Moscow" of the Innovation Agency in Moscow, was in solidarity with the speaker - the problems of environmental protection are not limited to one country, this issue is on a larger scale.  She, in turn, spoke about Moscow's experience in introducing innovations into urban planning programs, including resolving issues with waste processing. “We are actively cooperating

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