

A press conference was held dedicated to the international week of innovative ideas

October 13 this year A press conference dedicated to the Week of Innovative Ideas “InnoWeek-2023” was held at AIMC. It was attended by Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Shakhlo Turdikulova and Director of the Agency for Innovative Development Olimjon Tuychiev. Journalists and media representatives also took part in the event.On October 16-20, 2023, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation is holding the Week of Innovative Ideas “InnoWeek-2023” under the slogan “Creative education and innovation - the basis for the development of a new Uzbekistan.”The main goal of the Week is the exchange of views among foreign and domestic experts and analysts on reforms in the field of higher education, science and innovative development in New Uzbekistan, their essence, achievements and immediate immediate tasks, priorities in the field of completely new technologies.This year, the week, organized under the slogan “Creative education and innovation - the basis for the development of New Uzbekistan”, will be held in the areas of “Youth”, “Startups”, “Science and Commercialization” and “Creative Education”. It is noteworthy that the Week takes place not only in Tashkent, but also in all regions of our republic.Over the course of the week, more than 250 experts in higher education, science and innovation from more than 20 countries will take part in 50 events. About 90 innovative enterprises from countries such as South Korea, Germany, Malaysia, Russia and the Islamic Re

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