

The international innovation and investment forum began its work

The International Innovation and Investment Forum has started as part of the Week of Innovative Ideas "InnoWeek-2023".  The event was opened by the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov.- In recent years, many reforms have been implemented in Uzbekistan.  Most of them are related to youth and science.  In building a new Uzbekistan, special attention is paid to innovation and science as priority areas.  At the same time, it is important to work with international partners in their development. Innovation is linked to youth.  New ideas, new thoughts and new projects come from young people. I would like to note the importance of studying existing innovations in the world to create new technologies.  Innovation cannot be introduced without studying existing technologies.  Over the past 5 years we have established various partnerships.  This forum, now in its sixth year, is an important event for investing in innovation.  Our colleagues also noted that the number of projects is growing every year. I. Abdurakhmanov addressed investors: - Our country provides benefits and preferences for investing in innovation.  People need to notice innovation today.  Not tomorrow.  And your investment can make people's lives easier.

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